by BABAK NOOHI | Nov 27, 2016 | Blog
Tooth erosion had been used to define loss of tooth structure. It is defined as, “the loss of enamel and dentin caused by acids unrelated to bacterial action (mainly food we consume or acid reflux)”. More recently tooth erosion has been recommended to be...
by BABAK NOOHI | Nov 14, 2016 | Blog
Have you ever been in a situation where you rushed to your computer and started googling “emergency tooth repair”, “emergency dentist” or find a dentist nearest to your location? Or maybe you were wondering on the internet why my crown or...
by BABAK NOOHI | Nov 12, 2016 | Blog
I would like to share with you a recent dental treatment that i had completed for an elderly. It is not uncommon to find out many dental problems in the mouth of an elderly who had not been taking care of itself for a long time, an addressing all of them later in life...
by BABAK NOOHI | Nov 11, 2016 | Blog
A quick answer is yes. However, there is a “but”! In order immediate implant placement after extraction be successful, certain conditions must be met. After extracting a tooth, it is important to have adequate bone surrounding the dental implant so it can...
by BABAK NOOHI | Nov 11, 2016 | Blog
When a substantial tooth structure is lost a crown might be appropriate to prevent it from further break down. Filing a tooth to receive a crown requires certain skills and knowledge. Tooth preparation requires certain knowledge and skills, just like carving or...
by BABAK NOOHI | Apr 9, 2016 | Blog
A small white lesion on the lateral border of the tongue was identified and followed up for a year. The initial Brush Biopsy revealed no signs of malignancy, however one year later the lesion spread and enlarged significantly and a new biopsy showed...